The Free Royal Netherlands Troops: A Chronological Overview from 1940 up tot D’Day and beyond
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May 14, 1940: The Netherlands Surrender
– The Netherlands surrenders to Germany after the German Operation “Fall Gelb,” except for the province of Zeeland.
– Dutch military personnel escape to Great Britain via Belgian and French ports.
June 30, 1940: Formation of Detachment Royal Netherlands’ Troops
– Establishment of “Detachment Royal Netherlands’ Troops in Great Britain” under General-Major Noothoven van Goor.
– 133 individuals from the group transferred to the RAF, and flight crews dispatched to the Dutch East Indies.
July, 1940: Encampment and Visit by Prince Bernhard
– Encampment of Dutch troops near Haverfordwest and Portcawl.
– Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands visits the troops.
– Dutch Government plans the establishment of a Dutch unit.
May 27, 1941: Call for Volunteers
– All Dutchmen aged 20 to 35 in Great Britain called up for military service.
– Later calls extend to Dutchmen in Northern Ireland, Canada, the United States, South Africa, and other countries.
January 11, 1941: Establishment of Royal Dutch Brigade
– Official establishment of the “Royal Dutch Brigade” with a staff and two battalions.
– Armored unit added in late January.
May 1941: Move to Wrottesleypark
– First units move from temporary camp to definitive barracks in Wrottesleypark near Wolverhampton.
August 1941: Expansion and Renaming
– Brigade consists of a staff, communications unit, two battalions, depot, brigade supply train, medical support post, repair unit, and military police section.
– Renamed “Koninklijke Nederlandse Brigade Prinses Irene” by Royal Decree.
September 1, 1941 – April 13, 1942: Changes in Strength
– Strength reduced due to the establishment of 322 (Spitfire) Squadron, participation in Nr 10 Interallied Commando and the SAS, and deployments to Suriname and Ceylon.
January 1, 1943: Reorganization
– Reorganization into a totally motorized brigade with units such as staff, scouting unit, independent companies, artillery battery, train, and repair unit.
1943: Exercises and Integration with XXI Army Corps
– The Prinses Irene Brigade exercises regularly and participates in maneuvers with British units.
– Integrated into XXI Army Corps under General Bernard Montgomery for coastal guard duties in Dovercourt and Frinton-on-sea.
June 6, 1944: Operation Overlord and Coastal Guard Duties
– During Operation Overlord, the Irene Brigade is engaged in coastal guard duties.
– Reinforcement with a group of marines trained in the United States.
End of June 1944: Preparation for Mainland Transfer
– Transferred to a tent camp near Narborough for maneuvers.
– Thorough checks on equipment and armament, distribution of French money, and 24-hours rations.
Conclusion: Readiness for Action
– The Prinses Irene Brigade is prepared and ready for its role in the ongoing conflict.
ETO 1944-1945 Allied Dutch Free Forces – Princess Irene Brigade (PIB) and the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps (RNMC)
ETO 1944-1945 Allied Dutch Free Forces – Princess Irene Brigade (PIB) and the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps (RNMC)
DAGORDER (10 augustus 1944)
Nu GIJ op het punt staat, daadwerkelijk aan den strijd voor de bevrijding van het Vaderland deel te nemen, wensch Ik een kort woord tot U te richten.
Vier Jaren hebt Gij dit groote oogenblik verheid, bijna vier Jaren hebt Gij U voorbereid tot de taak die U te wachten staat; jaren die niet alleen zullen blijken van nut te zijn geweest, maar zij hebben ook een geest van kameraadschap en van onderling vertrouwen gekweekt, die U in moeilijke oogenblikken, die U wellicht te wachten staan, onontbeerlijk zijn. Schouder aan schouder strijdend met Onze bondgenooten, gaat Gij thans het Vaderland bevrijden van overheersching en dwingelandij.
Moge deze gedachte aan Uw daden steeds de bezieling geven, die U, te zamen met Onze bondgenooten, als overwinnaars uit den strijd zullen doen treden.
Ik vertrouw, dat Gij allen Uw plicht zult doen en dat GIJ de mooiste tradities van Ons Leger zult weten hoog te houden.
God zegene U en Onze wapenen.

ORDERS OF THE DAY (August 10, 1944)
Now THAT YE are on the verge of actively engaging in the battle for the liberation of the Homeland, I desire to address a brief word to THEE.
For four years hast THOU awaited this momentous occasion, nearly four years hast THOU prepared for the task that awaits THEE; years that shall not only prove to have been of utility but have also fostered a spirit of comradeship and mutual trust, which shall be indispensable in challenging moments that may lie ahead. Shoulder to shoulder, fighting alongside OUR allies, THOU art now set to liberate the Homeland from tyranny and oppression.
May this thought of THY deeds always provide the inspiration that shall lead THEE, along with OUR allies, as victors emerging from the strife.
I trust that all of THEE shall fulfill THY duty and that THOU shall know how to uphold the finest traditions of OUR Army.
God bless THEE and OUR weapons.

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